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Modern cargo ships structural plans- how to use them
Ships plan

Structural plans, sometimes called scantlings plans, show dimensions of the ships framing and plating. The midships section drawing, generally available for all ships, and the shell expansion plan are particularly useful. The midships section drawing provides
the data required for the midships section modulus calculation.
The shell expansion plan and larger scale shell plating drawings show details
of the hull plating such as the size, thickness, and material of the plating. They also show details of openings, fittings, and appendages attached
to the plating. Much of the data needed for designing patches and structural repairs, and for determining the feasibility of making hull cuts can
be obtained from shell drawings.
Docking Plans and Reports
In addition to docking information, the ship docking plan shows the underwater profile of the ship, the
plan view of its bottom, and locations of underwater appendages, sea suctions, and overboard discharges, with reference points and measurements
to locate them. The docking plan also provides vertical measurements from the main deck and base line, the location and dimensions of the docking
blocks for the three docking positions, and the critical dimensions of the ship.
Docking reports provide a complete and accurate description of the ship’s bottom. They describe the results of inspections and work done while
the ship is in dry dock. Reports for emergent or unplanned dockings do not provide a complete bottom description, but address only the work
done during the docking; reports of unplanned drydockings can be considered supplements to the report of the previous regular dry docking. Docking
reports are further supplemented by subsequent underwater hull inspection, hull cleaning, and repair or work reports. In addition to an overall
description of the ship’s bottom, docking reports include two items of interest to salvors: the shaft covering, if any, and the type of paint applied
to the ship’s bottom and appendages. Information on paint systems and coverings alerts the diving supervisor to potential toxic hazards.

Fig:General cargo ships midship cross section
Capacity Plan
A plan of the spaces available for cargo, fuel, fresh water, water ballast,
etc, and containing cubic or weight capacity lists for such spaces and a scale showing
deadweight capacities at varying draughts and displacements.
It would be difficult and inconvenient to gather all those information and place them on
one plan in a clear and legible manner. In addition, all these pieces of information can
be found on various other drawings. To avoid repeating data and multiplying existing
documents it is recommended to create a Capacity Plan as a set of documents listed below:
1. General Part
2. Coordinate System
3. Draught Marks
4. Load Line Mark and Deadweight Scale
5. Tank Space Information
6. Cargo Space Information
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Structural plans, sometimes called scantlings plans, show dimensions of the ships framing and plating. The midships section drawing, generally available for all ships
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