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How to keep your frozen products frozen in a reefer compartment ?
Frozen products packaging requirement
Proper packaging procedures will help protect frozen cargo
during transport. Frozen products do not require air holes in
the top and bottom of the cartons. Air flowing around the load
is sufficient to remove heat that has penetrated the container.
The cartons should be stacked directly on top of each other to
take advantage of their strength in the corners. If palletised,
the corners of each carton should be supported directly by
the pallet.
The packaging material must be able to support a
stacking height of up to 2.4 metres .
The stowage of frozen products is relatively simple. All that is
required is solid block stowage, leaving no space between the
packages/cartons and no space between the cargo and the
walls of the container.
However, it is very important that the cargo is stowed below
the red load line, as this allows the refrigerated air to circulate
evenly around the cargo, thereby keeping the frozen products
at the required temperature.

Fig: Reefer container inside
When frozen products are transported, the fresh air
ventilators must always be closed and the humidity indicator
should be in the OFF position.
A pallet size of 00x 0 cm (40x4 inches) is recommended as this enables optimal stowage.
Refrigerated cargo handling checklist
When preparing for a refrigerated shipment always determine :
the optimal temperature requirement
the fresh air ventilation requirement (in cbm/hour)
the humidity requirement
the transport time
the practical shelf life of the product
the volume of cargo
the packaging materials and cartons used
the recommended stowage pattern
the required documentation, including legislative
Before and during stuffing always make sure:
the container is set at the optimal temperature, ventilation
and humidity levels
cargo is never stowed above the red load line
cargo is stable and evenly stowed (weight should be
distributed evenly for maximum stability and the entire floor
should be covered)
the total cargo weight does not exceed the maximum
payload of the container
the total weight of the container (including container, cargo,
chassis and genset) does not exceed the road limitations in
any country crossed during transport
if cargo is palletised, dunnage is placed in the centre channel
between pallets
cargo is blocked and braced as necessary
frozen or chilled cargo requirements are followed
For frozen cargo always :
follow checklist for reefer cargo
pre-freeze cargo before stuffing
ensure that fresh-air ventilation is CLOSED
For chilled cargo always :
follow our checklist for reefer cargo
pre-cool cargo before stuffing
set unit at carrying temperature, not lower (a lower set point
will not expedite the cooling process and may damage cargo)
set fresh air ventilation as required
Other useful articles :
- Methods of refrigeration
Refrigeration is essentially the removal of heat through
the process of evaporation. We choose to refrigerate
commodities such as fruits and vegetables because we
want to prolong their practical shelf life the time from
harvest until the product loses its commercial value.
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Reefer cargo stuffing
it is essential that all products are treated correctly prior
to stuffing. Even though the temperature, ventilation and
humidity are all optimal during the entire voyage, products
will only arrive in perfect condition if the pre-treatment has
been performed correctly. Successful shipping begins at the
product sourcing area.
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Growing demand for container refrigeration
On deck refrigerated containers are generally serviced by clip-on air cooled electric motor drive cooling units. The units are plugged into the
ships electrical system by way of suitable deck sockets.
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Frozen products packaging requirement
Proper packaging procedures will help protect frozen cargo
during transport. Frozen products do not require air holes in
the top and bottom of the cartons. Air flowing around the load
is sufficient to remove heat that has penetrated the container.
The cartons should be stacked directly on top of each other to
take advantage of their strength in the corners.
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- Packaging & stowage guideline for reefer cargo
Packaging plays an important role when it comes to protecting the cargo. The packaging material must be able
to support a stacking height of up to 2.4 metres (710).
The material should be able to withstand humidity without
collapsing, and should allow the passage of an adequate
vertical airflow through the cartons in order to maintain the
desired temperature..
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- Choice of packaging for various commodities
Goods should be well stowed within the package,
evenly distributed and properly secured. Items
completely filling the case or carton contribute to
the strength of the whole package. Items which do
not completely fill the package must be cushioned
against shock or vibration.
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- How to keep cargo fresh ?
Proper ventilation of fresh, chilled products is necessary to
remove the heat, carbon dioxide and other gases produced
by the cargo. Heat is removed by continuously circulating
the internal air, whereas carbon dioxide and other gases are
removed by replacing the internal air supply with cooled
fresh air..
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- Loading precautions for refrigerated cargoes
Refrigerated cargoes include meat carcases, carton (packed) meat, fruit, cheese, butter, fish and offal. Ships are specifically designed for their carriage, with separate spaces in holds and tween decks, each fitted with suitable insulation and individual control of ventilation. Ordinary general cargoes may be carried in the spaces at other times, the temperature being regulated accordingly for the type of cargo being carried.
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- Role classification societies maintaining seaworthiness of vessels
classification societies publish rules and regulations which are principally concerned with the strength of the ship, the provision of adequate equipment, and the reliability of the machinery .
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- Periodic survey requirement by classification societies
To maintain the assigned class all steel ships are required to be surveyed and examined by the Societys
surveyors at regular periods.
The major hull items to be examined at these surveys only are discussed
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